首頁 > 【 交錯情景 Interwoven Vision 】山本雄基個人展覽

【 交錯情景 Interwoven Vision 】山本雄基個人展覽

【 交錯情景 Interwoven Vision 】

                                         ———— 山本雄基個人展覽

                                                Yuki Yamamoto Solo Exhibition

在「交錯情景」裡,山本雄基引領我們走入他的多重世界裡—— 交織著立體空間和時間,呈現出柔合現實與幻想的情景。將熟悉的感知逐一打破,再重組、建構出屬於山本雄基的宇宙。

In ‘Interwoven Visions’, Yuki Yamamoto guides us into his multiple worlds - an interweaving of three-dimensional space and time, presenting a blend of reality and illusion. By breaking down familiar perceptions one by one and reorganising them, we construct a universe that belongs to Yuki Yamamoto. Through the semi-transparent technique, the shapes are stacked up on the canvas in a three-dimensional infinity through the composite of dislocations. For Yuki Yamamoto, his faithfulness to all feelings is transformed into symbols. Let's enjoy it together in ‘Interwoven Vision’ and find ourselves again in Yuki Yamamoto's universe.









Yuki Yamamoto
1981 Born in Obihiro, Japan

2007 Complete of Hokkaido University of Education graduation school

2012-2013 lived in Berlin by Sapporo city Foundation for Arts and Cultural Promotion


Now lives and works in Sapporo, Japan




Yuki Yamamoto's creative journey reflects his exploration of the co-existence of order and chaos. Transparent layers and circular symbols are the main elements of his works, and through multiple layers of transparent pigments on canvas, he creates a visual effect like still water, allowing the viewer to see the overlap and reflection of colours. His creativity is inspired by the concepts of multiple time and three-dimensional space, as well as parallel universes that may overlap, all of which are reflected in his treatment of colour and shape.

Technically, Yamamoto's works use careful composition and colour gradation to guide the viewer to discover hidden order in the details, even though he intentionally mixes in random elements to break the established rules. This interweaving of order and chaos gives the works multiple visual depths and expresses a flexible, open sense of space, making his works not only richer in form with the addition of each layer of colour, but also providing the viewer with space of imagining.



開幕典禮  Opening Ceremony 

2024年11月22日 (星期五)
22nd November, 2024 (Friday) 16:00

展覽日期  Exhibition Period 

2024年11月22日 - 2025年1月5日 12:00 - 20:00

展覽地點  Venue
澳門路氹溜冰路澳門葡京人L01樓,H853 Fun Factory 娛樂廠 R68,82-83號舖. Humarish Club藝術空間
Lisboeta Macau H853 Fun Factory Shop R68, R82-83, Humarish club.